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Posts posted by poesel

  1. gr5 - I really appreciate your time and your help. You were right that levelling was the cause of the problem. But in a different way.


    When I switched over to 4.1 I forgot to add 'M420 S1; retrieve mesh' back into the preamble. I have mesh bed levelling activated and without that line Marlin doesn't compensate. Just ran a short test and everything is perfect again.


    Truly a d'oh moment. 😋


    Thanks again for your help.

  2. I compared the gcode of 'old' and 'new' and couldn't find any significant difference. Z-values the, accelerations, jerk, etc.. all good.


    I another test: made an object in Inventor, imported it in Cura and sliced it: yellow picture.

    Saved that file and imported the gcode back into Cura: blue picture.


    Yellow has an opaque surface, blue has gaps - but only in layer 1. Layer 2 is good again.


    Where do these gaps come from? It is impossible that this is a common fault with Cura. Must be something in my settings - but what?





  3. As I wrote above: it is NOT the printer. I have an old checkerboard file that prints thin layers all over the plate and this prints just fine.


    However I will check the generated gcode of new and old files. Maybe I can find a difference there.

  4. Hi,


    I have the strange problem that Cura 4.1 creates a 'gappy' first layer (see picture). I've aborted the print half way through to show the first two layers.


    In 3.6 I didn't have that problem. Unfortunately I uninstalled 3.6 with the profile and when I reinstalled it I had the same problem as in 4.1???


    4.1 is configured as it came out of the box. I only entered the printer I use (Ender 3). The rest is standard.


    Before someone asks: check bedlevel, nozzle,... It is NOT the printer! I have old nc files of similar objects and they print perfectly. There the first layer is flat as a sheet of paper without any gaps.


    I've also put a benchy through Cura to make sure it is not the model.


    Strangely enough if I get past the first layers the printing looks ok. But at this point the print looses adhesion to the bed because of the irregular first layer.


    So the only point of failure must be in Cura and I guess it is some setting that I have overlooked. Can someone please tell me what to check?






    test303001.stl 41test303001.gcode

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