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Posts posted by jpconway

  1. I was having some troubles getting support blocker to work as well (which led me to this forum). However, through some experimentation and following the directions here, I have some additional advice for those still having issues. To be as clear as possible, here are my steps to use support blocker (with bold instructions for things that I was having trouble understanding the most):

    1) Click on your model to select the model for which you want to block some/all supports. (You must activate/select the model first, in order to activate tools on the sidebar.)

    2) Click to select the "Support Blocker" tool on the sidebar
    3) Click on the model in the area you want to block support. (You must click on the model itself, not just on the empty buildplate.)
    4) With support blocker tool still selected on the sidebar, click the gray box that appears to select the "blocker object". (This will select/highlight the "blocker object" and deselect the object model.)
    5) Click on the move tool on the sidebar to move the gray "blocker object" around. (This is done the same was as moving around the model, only now the blocker object is what will move).
    6) Click on the scale tool on the sidebar to resize the "blocker object". (As above, this is the same process as scaling a model.) If you do not want to scale in all planes, uncheck the "Uniform Scaling" checkbox, and you can scale in only one direction.


    Hopefully this is helpful to the next person to stumble across this forum looking for help using support blocker.


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