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Posts posted by follyzx

  1. On 7/11/2019 at 9:41 AM, johnse said:

    That sounds like you are printing too close to the edge of the printable area. IIRC, there are settings in the printer profile that specify the acceptable bounds for printing. When printing with two nozzles, you need to make sure that the left and right edges of the printable volume are constrained so that both nozzles can reach it.


    Thanks. It is solved. This is due to the default direction setting of relative coordinats of the second nozzle.

  2. Today, I found cura generates negative value for X&Y coordinates, which caused dislocation print. But I try to addjust the parameter of machine setting to solve it, but failed.

    "to release some of the pressure
    G1 Z+0.5 E-5 X-20 Y-20 F{travel_speed} ;move Z up a bit and retract filament even more"


    "G0 X-0.9 Y-57"   it's seems the offset of extruder 2.


    What should I do to fix it.



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