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Posts posted by MoFlash

  1. Yes! I think that might be it, the tower technique is one I've yet to try, I had completely forgotten about it. I'll try posting the before images again, then I'll come back with my findings with testing the after-tower version of the model.

    And sorry for the confusion, I did mean Celsius instead of Fahrenheit.


    But also, real quick while I get that underway, can making two or more models work as well as using a tower? The tower seems to be best optimized for minimal filament waste and speedy printing, but I actually don't mind having multiple of the same miniatures as long as they come out alright. Would putting multiple minis on the same plate work as well as using a tower, or should I avoid that for some reason?


    Thankyou again - I'll post what I find with the tower technique to keep folks in the loop!

    (hopefully images posted correctly below this time)




  2. I've been playing around with my Aurora for some time now. At first its print quality was horrible, half expected to me, getting into 3d printing with zero prior experience. I found solutions for a few problems but my models (My main goal in printing is to make miniatures for tabletop) still look crusty/rough/otherwise low detail.


    Cleanup only goes so far, as even with optimal supports and meticulous care with a pair of pliers, I still seem to need to spend hours with a sheet of sandpaper to get all the jagged bits. Despite all of that, high polygon areas like the face or pieces of armor look nothing like what they should according to Cura. I almost wouldn't mind if its for low-priority mob minis, but I know this printer should be capable of better! I'm a close viewer of 3D Printed Tabletop, and after seeing what his S5 is capable of I have to wonder what I'm doing wrong.



    Could be a Cura settings thing, but ever since they're update with including printers like the 5S I'm not sure that's the likely problem. I've also thought about whether I'm running the filament too hot, but while I'll experiment with cooler settings to be sure, only some of the afflictions on my minis look like they could be heat-based. I'll do my best to supply images for best representation of the issues. Some larger minis come out "better" but any small pieces on them such as fingers and facial features are still nightmarish. If anyone has advice, I'd love a slice.

    Pictures down below

    Some helpful info for you to know:

    Heat plate runs at aproximately 60.F with nozzle running at 200.F

    I'm printing at 0.06mm layer height and using 1.75 PLA "Dikale" Filament


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