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Posts posted by scroogemcfuck

  1. I have a Monoprice MP Select Mini V2 printer with a heated bed that goes up to 60°C. The default build plate temperature for the generic PLA material profile in Cura is 60°C. So far so good!


    But when I use that material, all the built-in print settings profiles have a setting for "Build Plate Temperature Initial Layer" at 65°C. I'm sure there are good reasons for starting the build plate 5° warmer, and I wish I could. But my printer is unable to reach that temperature. If I start a print with that setting, it heats up to 60° and then just sits there forever, waiting for the bed to hit a temperature it will never reach.


    I can force the print to start by manually changing the target temperature on the printer, or by changing the "Build Plate Temperature Initial Layer" setting before slicing. But it's annoying to do it every time and sometimes forget. And I wonder if it's slicing my first layer in a less-optimal way because it's counting on 5° of over-temp that's not available.


    I opened up the material profile for generic PLA and I can set the default build plate temperature, but I don't see a setting for the initial layer temperature.


    I can manually override that setting in each print profile, open the "Manage Profiles" window, and click "Update profile with current settings/overrides" to save it. Except that that button is grayed out and doesn't work. I guess I can't modify those profiles.


    I can make separate custom profiles by cloning each of the default settings and changing this one thing, but what a mess that would be.


    Is there any way to turn off the 5°C over-temp for the first layer?

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