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Posts posted by Julandroid

  1. I often come to situatin where the printer has to print thin profiles, let's say 5mm and I if I have wall of 2mm that means Cura will generate infill of 1mm which is waste of time, quality and a lot of vibrations following the infill pattern in that small area. I'm wandering how to avoid this!?

    Ideally there should be an option "Minimum infill width" that will prevent creating infill when the width to cover is too small. So, if I specify that to 2mm then nothing that has width on X or Y dimension won't create infill - I would like to have there just a solid print to reduce the terror on the printer including the necessary retractions.

    Currently, I couldn't find any solution for this - the closest thing to that is adding extra infill wall perimeters and that helps for these situations, so if I have the same example and I increase the infill wall with 2mm then the entire 5mm will be solid, however, those infills that had to be 3mm before, now they would become 1mm and so, I'll have the same problem again.

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