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Posts posted by janahorova

  1. 7 minutes ago, gr5 said:

    Your issue is that you aren't squishing the bottom layer enough.  Squish is the most important thing to keep your part sticking to the build plate.  If it was properly printing the bottom layer they wouldn't come apart like you show in the photo.


    I don't know how to alter the leveling on a prusa but if it has auto leveling maybe you need to turn that off and stick with manual leveling.


    Hi my first layer is normally working fine, it works with same settings in cura when the object is touching buildplate, this problem appears only when i put the model to corner so first layer contains only supports

  2. Hi, im using Cura 4.0 (tested also same thing on 4.1 with same problem) with Prusa MK3. I found a problem when orienting my model so it is touching the buildplate only with small part (corner) or not touching at all.

    In this case it seems like the print settings of skirt and brim are taken from support print settings (thatis my guess what happens) lines are thin and dont adhere to buildplate so it makes to fail whole print. I didnt find any workaround so far (teste support brim, brim only for model etc..).

    There is printed skirt on first picture - it is not sticking to buildplate. Model orientation in picture 2. 



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