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Posts posted by CaptainAl

  1. I left it unplugged overnight... when i tried unplugging for 30 seconds it seems that it wasnt doing a cold reboot...


    But unplugging it overnight I am now able to get to the menu screen... Im still having problems printing though...  It gives me an unspecified error with a QR code... ive tried to factory reset in the menu, but it wont roll back the firmare...


    Ive tried upgrading the firmware from 5.7.2 to 5.8.1 but it fails.. Ive tried over WiFi... and Ive tried with USB stick and it always fails.  I have the 2 yeard S5 with the robot logo on the side.  I'm using the correct firmware as this links says:



    I ordereded another S5.. dont know what else to do...


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  2. I FIXED IT!!!!


    I had the same problem... and its insane we cant update the firmware ourselves... this machine should have a factory reset button you access with a paper clip like all other machines BTW!


    SO, I tried like 30 or 40 reboots, sometimes using the power plug, sometimes unplugging the material station... and non of that worked...  sometimes it hung on an all white display, sometimes it hung at the ultimaker logo screeen... I never got to the menu..


    But the long term charge on the capacitors got me thinking... I unplugged the machine overnight!  In the morning it booted up!  first time I'd gotten my machine back in weeks!!!



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  3. Abdu!

    i had the same problem and just fixed it!

    manually move the print head to the front corner, then

    manually move the print head from left to right, and see if it is moving from front to back too... when i moved it from left to right it went front the front edge to about half an inch away from front edge.  I could now actually see the rod that it travels on wasn’t totally perpendicular.   Moved the print head back to the front left corner, and now force the bar on the other side forward or backward so that the bar is perpendicular.  The gear will fight you a little but slide into its orthogonal home.


    i believe this became misaligned cuz when i unpackaged the printer and turned it on I missed cutting some shipping ties... i heard it grinding and realized i needed to cut those ties but it had become a little crooked... it wasn’t until i did a big print that i realized my rectangles were parallelograms!


    hope this helps!




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