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Posts posted by moparren

  1. It's from Eclipson - https://www.eclipson-airplanes.com/modelt


    I just tried disabling union overlapping volumes and it had no effect on the model.  At the risk of being an askhole (a person that asks for advice and then doesn't follow it) I went ahead and started a print figuring if it wasn't working I would just abort it and so far it looks to be working!


    My guess for the green that gr5 was seeing was Cura not being sure what to do with thin walls and the reason it was not showing up in the middle section is that the skin is thicker there to act as a box spar.


    Thank you both for your expertise and thoughts!


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  2. Thank you for the reply.  Attached is a shot of layer 1 and I'm struggling with the colors.  Is that just the yellow of the bottom and it is being affected by the other colors that it is looking through?  The part is meant to be open at both ends.  I have looked at this previously and this is what it has looked like each time yet it infills the bottom layer.

    wing section1.JPG

  3. I am attempting to print a wing for a model airplane.  The design is meant to be printed with zero infill.


    Somewhere between saving the G-code to the card and the printer (Anet A8) infill gets added and instead of a nice light wing, I get a brick with infill.  I did some digging and found some chatter about a random bug in later versions of Cura where things didn't save properly, so I went down to version 3.2.1 and tried that.  Same result: set infill percent to 0, double, triple, quadruple check that infill is set to 0 percent, save to file, take card to printer, and print out a part with infill.


    Am I missing something?  Is there a button somewhere that I need to click confirming no infill?


    I'm also finding it frustrating that if I try to look at the settings of the file I just tried to print all I get is G-code cannot be modified.  It would be nice to at least be able to verify my settings.  I should also add that my computer is running windows 10.

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