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Posts posted by lessthanleo

  1. On 2/13/2020 at 7:50 PM, Lummy said:

    I have tried everything I can possibly think of and I can not for the life of me get this thing to print anything other then the preloaded files.  I have tried 3 different versions of cura (including the one that came preloaded).  I have copied and pasted gcode from everything I can find.  Any model I load to the printer goes from 0% to finished in a matter of seconds, the printer makes a tiny movement (it is small and I cannot tell the direction) then is says print finished.  Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

    I am currently on Cura 4.4, windows 7 64 bit, with the Anet ET4 printer. 


    Registered just to reply - think you need to change your settings from Marlin to Repetier. Seen a post with a similar issue on the Anet reddit:)

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