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Posts posted by Tessmacher

  1. I'm not entirely sure why there have been no substantive responses, other than people may be having a difficult time visualising what I am stating. So I have attached a screenshot. The red arrows indicate the space to which I referred in my original post. Also, note the orange arrow, as it is indicating a little "blip" or dot of material laid down in the previous layer. I don't know what to make of this either.

    Could I please get some responses to explain these phenomena?


  2. Well, I think I'm making good headway in getting a handle on working with Cura 4.4.1

    At least, good enough that I am unwilling to go to 4.5! LOL

    I have a question about supports, and settings for supports now. Namely, I do not understand the relationships between the "Support Z Distance" and "Support X/Y Distance" and how the model gets supported overall. I'm not entirely sure how to describe what I don't understand.

    What I am stuck on is this: If I have a distance between the support and the model, then what's supporting the model on that distance? The whole concept doesn't make any sense to me.  I've even checked out the Settings Guide, and separate research on the 'net. And I still don't get it. For a support to actually hold something up, it has to be touching it to hold it up!

    Can anyone explain this in a way I can get?

  3. Wow, really good explanation with examples I can follow. Except for one thing. There's no "hole" through it. It's a 4mm deep circular depression, for a magnet to be epoxied into. There's one on each end. It's "solid" all the way through.

    Thank you for writing such an excellent response!

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  4. Hi!

    I'm about to pull the trigger on the purchase of an Ender 3 Pro. To that end, I have downloaded Cura v. 4.4.1 and am attempting to familiarize myself with it.


    Problem is, all the tutorials and videos I've read and watched, all seem to be aimed at people who already know what they're doing! In other words, I'll see something that describes what I am wanting to know, but the details are so glossed over and the explanations so lacking, that only someone with reasonable experience would know what they're talking about. I've even tried to follow a few video tutorials in the program, but nobody really explains how the relationships work together, or even explains where to find the feature or setting to make any adjustment.

    So, I'm going to try to ask a very specific question, in the hopes that I can get a response I can understand and follow.

    I have a set of parts that are all roughly cylindrical, ranging in height from 88.92mm to 152.41mm. They all have variations in diameter through the height of them, as illustrated by the attachment that shows the largest of the parts.

    It is my intention to print these with an 0.6 nozzle, and at " but I'd like to understand the settings better so that I don't end up with a print that takes two days and uses 130 meters of filament. The relationships between the settings are not very well explained in a manner that I can follow how they work, to wit, if I change the Layer Height setting, to what should the corresponding Line Width setting be altered so that it will print efficiently and properly? Likewise, the internal fill patterns and densities aren't explained well enough for me to find the right settings. I'm afraid I don't understand the technology well enough to be able to express myself adequately.

    In any case, here is the image of the part, and I'll try to answer questions as best as I can. Thank you.


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