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Posts posted by esopalumpa

  1. Hallo,


    ich habe gerade herausgefunden, daß Initial Layer Flow mit Flow multipliziert wird.
    D.h. wenn ich ein Filament habe, das 110 % Flow braucht und ich Flow und Initial Layer Flow auf 110 % stelle, hat die erste Schicht 121 % Flow.

    War mir neu.

  2. Cura had a little hiccup. It does not tell what went wrong, but demands to reset the configuration or it wouldn’t work at all.

    Reset here means: delete all configurations, all printers, all custom profiles, all custom materials, etc.

    As the cura configuration is structurally a total disaster and there are not tools to handle this pile of files at all, for everyone without a computer science degree, it is practically impossible to rescue any of his settings from the „backups“.

    Cura is an excellent example for a system that does exceptionally ungraceful degradation in case of an error.


    ¹ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fault_tolerance

  3. On 7/1/2022 at 10:57 PM, sa0bxi said:

    Is there a way to install Cura without using appimage?


    I don’t know about Ubuntu 22.04, but I managed to build/backport the cura packages from Debian:experimental for Debian:testing. That’s a lot of work, so not recommended for the average user.


    Order of build is: arcus, uranus, libsavitar, libnest2d, pynest2d, cura-engine, cura


    13 hours ago, talz1979 said:

    Hi, It seems no one care about Linux users, I am gonna keep using 4.13.1 with the fix. Just a shame to release like that.



  4. On Debian Bookworm, the appimag claims that OpenGL is not available, which is – of course – wrong.


    PyInstaller/loader/pyimod03_importers.py:495: DeprecationWarning: the imp module is deprecated i
    n favour of importlib and slated for removal in Python 3.12; see the module's documentation for
    alternative uses
    libGL error: MESA-LOADER: failed to open radeonsi: /usr/lib/dri/radeonsi_dri.so: Kann die Shared
    -Object-Datei nicht öffnen: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden (search paths /usr/lib/x86_64-
    linux-gnu/dri:\$${ORIGIN}/dri:/usr/lib/dri, suffix _dri)
    libGL error: failed to load driver: radeonsi
    libGL error: MESA-LOADER: failed to open radeonsi: /usr/lib/dri/radeonsi_dri.so: Kann die Shared
    -Object-Datei nicht öffnen: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden (search paths /usr/lib/x86_64-
    linux-gnu/dri:\$${ORIGIN}/dri:/usr/lib/dri, suffix _dri)
    libGL error: failed to load driver: radeonsi
    libGL error: MESA-LOADER: failed to open swrast: /usr/lib/dri/swrast_dri.so: Kann die Shared-Obj
    ect-Datei nicht öffnen: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden (search paths /usr/lib/x86_64-linu
    x-gnu/dri:\$${ORIGIN}/dri:/usr/lib/dri, suffix _dri)
    libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast




    LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6 ./Ultimaker-Cura-5.0.0-linux.AppImage

    Probably the build-system ultimaker uses for the AppImage is to old.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  5. A common method to print print holes with nothing below, without support, are sacrificial layers (2. fig.).
    The sacrificial layer can optionally be supported (3. fig.).

    Why is there no option to make Cura generate sacrificial layers automatically.
    The rules are quite easy: horizontal overhang, not too wide, with holes in it.


    fig: Crossections of a part, without sacrificial layers, with sacrificial layers, with supported sacrificial layers


    4 minutes ago, DirgDiggler said:

    Hatte nur mal das Problem das sich das normale PLA von extrudr verformt hatte als ich das mit warmen Wasser übergossen hatte … Beim Greentec ist mir das noch nicht passiert. 

    Selbstverständlich ist es temperaturfester als PLA, aber das ist auch keine Kunst.
    Ich würde Greentec Pro bezüglich Temperaturfestigkeit bei oder knapp über PETG einordnen.
    Die vom OP angesprochenen 95°C dürften so im Grenzbereich liegen.

    • Like 1
  7. 12 minutes ago, DirgDiggler said:

    Hier mal die Werbeversprechen des Herstellers zur Pro Variante

    Die Materialkennwerte die der Hersteller angibt sind sicher korrekt ermittelt (gelten wohl nur für größere Materialstärken). Meine Erfahrung ist aber, daß es in kochendem Wasser weich wird.
    Daß ein Bauteil daraus bei 160 °C noch in irgendeiner Weise mechanisch belastbar ist halte ich für unrealistisch.
    Abgesehen davon ist es ein schönes Material, das sich gut druckt, gut aussieht und eine nette Haptik hat.

  8. Nicht besonders.
    Beide gasen beim Drucken aus, ABS etwas mehr als ASA. Deswegen nur in gut belüfteten Räumen drucken, am besten mit Absaugung. Sie neigen zum warpen, weshalb ein geschlossener Bauraum empfohlen wird, allerdings gibt es inzwischen von einigen Herstellern Filamente von denen der Hesteller behauptet, daß sie wenig bis garnicht warpen.
    Ich drucke ABS garnicht und ASA nur in Ausnahmefällen, kann also keine Informationen aus erster Hand liefern.

    • Like 1
  9. Hallo,


    meiner Meinung nach, kann man sich das bei PLA sparen (außer man lebt in den Tropen).

    Wenn Du Englisch verstehst: CNC Kitchen hat da mal ein Video zu gemacht. (CNC-Kitchen kann ich empfehlen. Wenn der ein Video zu einem Thema macht ist es praktisch immer das beste zu diesem Thema.)




    • Like 1
  10. On 11/19/2021 at 10:33 PM, ckvsoft said:


    Mir ist speziell bei der aktuellen Beta (4.13) aufgefallen das der Start und End Code von Zeit zu Zeit mit den Standardwerten überschieben wird. Ist das bekannt?



    Speicherst Du ab und zu mal „Projekte“ und lädst sie wieder?

    Wenn man ein Projekt läd überschreibt cura alles mit den Werten aus dem Projekt.
    D.h wenn Du damals, als Du das Projekt gespeichert hast, andere Start- und Endcodes hattest – Pech gehabt, dann sind die neuen weg.

    Das Projekt-Feature ist meiner Meinung nach völlig unbrauchbar.
    Ich hatte da schonmal drüber gerantet, aber das interessiert keinen.


  11. Cura has a tendency to generate a gap between the most-inner wall and the other walls if there are more then two perimeters. I don’t know the cause, but it’s a know problem for a long time.

    Possibly a problem with the order of printing perimeters or calculation of perimeter-positions…my_photo-29.jpg.dad086e501229ecd8e14618b496c5cde.jpg


    P.S. From the top if often looks like the gap is between the second most inner wall and the rest, but what looks like the most inner wall actually is not a wall, but belongs to the infill (parameter: Extra Skin Wall Count = 1 by default).

  12. Hi,


    on first glance .mf3 aka project in cura seems to be a possibility to “can” a printjob. This does not work.

    If you load a .mf3 aka project  cura gives you two possibilities.


    ⓐ import models. This only loads the models not the settings. So this is not a canned printjob.


    ⓑ open as project. This will, on default-settings, permanently overwrite your machine settings (p.e. gcode, etc) and the material definition. So this is not a canned print-job either. It is a reset to old settings. There is no warning, that if you proceed loading this project, you will need to use your backup.


    Technically loading projects in cura works, from a usability point of view it is severly broken.



  13. Essentially yes.
    Except of the “Outer Wall Inset” problem. Yes.


    I recalculated¹ the linewidth from the gcode. It should be 0.45 mm and it came out between 0.4495 mm and 0.4505 mm, so ±0.5 µm. I consider this O.K.

    My problems were the result of underextrusion. This is a problem with all cheap 3D-printers (including Ultimakers). They do not messure the amount of filament extruded. Due to slip, depending on filament-type, flow and temperature the filament that’s extruded is actually less than what the gcode says.


    ¹ The model Curas calculation is based on is quite simple.


  14. I agree that this is a slicer (engine) problem.

    I have the same problem with different printers (even Ultimaker), different filaments, different settings and it affects the structural stability of the printed objects.

    From a software-engineering / project-management point of view, it is truly amazing that such a serious bug can persist for so long and so many releases.


    EDIT: I have to correct myself.
    After analysing the gcode I have to admit, that the calcuations that cure makes are correct¹.

    ¹ except for the fact, that “Outer Wall Inset” reduces the distance between wall 0 and 1, but does not adjust flow accordingly. As the outer wall normally is printed last, it probably is useless.

  15. Hello,


    Cura 4.10 damages the first layer if Build Plate Adhesion is set to Skirt. See attached screenshots.
    Top: Build Plate Adhesion is set to Brim.

    Bottom: Build Plate Adhesion is set to Skirt. As you can see the ventilation-grid is missing. It starts at layer 2. This does not work properly, you get a spaghetti-ventilation.


  16. 1 hour ago, nallath said:

    We are working on importing step files, but we will initially still tessellate them.

    Tesselating a model is more complex than slicing a  model, gives inferior results and causes numerous other problems.

  17. Is there any effort in making Cura load Step/IGES files in addition to mesh based formats like STL?
    Advantages would be:

    - No tessellation step in job-preparation needed and no need to handle tesselated files of the CAD design.
    - no unclean representations of curves, esp. holes and filets.
    - the possibility to use G2, G3(Arc) and G5(Bézier cubic spline) commands to create leaner G-code.

    OpenSource 3D modeling kernels that can load STEP/IGES-files exists.

  18. Hello,


    I’m normaly using coasting with great results, but just realized it probably can cause problems.

    In a printed part (see detail in images below) the left wing was totaly messed up, while the right one printed O.K.
    I’m assuming that’s a result of coasting enabled, because Cura sets the coasting gaps exactly at this overhang.



  19. On 9/3/2020 at 2:09 AM, Uldis said:

    How can I calibrate my printer so it corrects this?


    On a cartesian printer you have to set the steps per mm correctly. On a normal printer these can be calculated from the properties of the stepper-motor, the pulley, the belt and microstepping-settings.

    On a delta printer you also have to set delta-radius and rod-length correctly, which can be quite complicated.

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