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Posts posted by VT3D

  1. Hello wise guru's


    Currently we are using a non-ultimaker material Filkemp's PLA-N (highly recommend) on our printer. 


    I have installed the material profile from the marketplace in Cura and that aspect works fine. The material in Cura is called PLA-N 'generic'
    However, for some reason on the printer itself the material has installed as PLA-N 'natural' (despite being called PLA-N generic) so every time I send something to print it throws up an error telling me that the material settings are not the same and asking me to override the current profile on the printer.


    Is there a way to change the material settings on the printer so that this error is removed? Any other suggestions?


    thank you!



  2. I might be a little late to the party but we print all our models with PVA supports, mostly demo parts of thin 0.7mm grilles.


    I have never had problems with it clogging but it is stored in boxes similar to these: 



    The only difference is instead of sealing the box the heater is placed underneath it, the bottom then filled with desiccant beads and the spools placed on top. I don't close the lid but just place it on top. This keeps my spools at around 25% humidity and I have no problems printing. I should add that the room we print in is kept at 18C.


    Previously it was kept in a cool warehouse and we would have to repeatedly dry it.


    If I hear any popping ( a sign of moisture in the filament) usually caused because it's been on the machine too long, I pop it in a halogen oven for 2 hours at 60C. Drys up and prints great.



    I haven't found it ever prints particularly pretty. But the quality of the actual print is often very good.




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