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Posts posted by cerami2

  1. Well I fixed the problem by rebuilding from scratch.

    I figured it would be quicker for me to start from scratch than trying to figure it out at this time 

    Thank  you all for your help .I am  sure I will be asking for more help down the road


  2. 6 hours ago, ahoeben said:

    The model is probably non-manifold/“broken”. It needs to be repaired before it can be properly printed. Cura has an “Xray view”, hidden away on the Preview tab, which could show you (in red) where the problem is.

    OK thank you 

    is the problem in Cura slicer or is the problem in fusion 360 were i created the obj file to export

    Thank you 

  3.  I am new to 3d printing and new to slicing .

    I am trying to slice a cylinder with an interior 

    I can slice it if the side is on the build plate' it will show me when I slice the interior and will print correctly When I  slice when it is standing up  it show the interior with in fill

     I am new to 3d printing and new to slicing . I am using fusion 360 to create the file . can some one help me to figure out this problem or give me the correct settings in cura to fix this .Thank you 



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