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Everything posted by PeterM7

  1. Thank you again. I just restored Cura 4.5 , but it could not find the elegoo printer t install, so I can't test that. I'll accept this and print from SD card. Fini.
  2. Thank you. I had heard similar from somewhere else, but didn't know whether to believe it. Is it the case that most slicing software doesn't use USB communications from the computer any more? PrusaSlicer indicates that it no longer supports Pronterface. I would rather print via a USB cable connection than SD card, as I like to see what is happening. Peter M.
  3. I have a new Elegoo Neptune 3 Pro and I am using Cura 5.6 Appimage on Linux Kubuntu 22.04. I have removed the old printer and added this printer from the Cura menu, but after slicing my project It never shows 'Print via USB' as it did with the old printer. Lsusb shows that the printer is connected. I can't find anything in the Elegoo setup that suggests that I need to Enable USB connection. Can anyone suggest a fix please?
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