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Posts posted by BenBM1

  1. @SkyLorin as far as I can tell, no version of Cura has an  MP10 profile, despite what the instructions from Monoprice lead you to believe. I'd recommend using the printer settings for the Creality CR-10, they work on the MP10 without any modification (although I think I bumped up the print temp to 205)

  2. I talked to someone yesterday who said they were using the default profile for the Creality CR-10 on their MP-10 with great results. Might be worth giving it a shot. I haven't yet tested that out myself though.

  3. It's very confusing to me that the screenshots in the user manual for the MP10 seem to indicate that there at least was a profile available in Cura 3.3, despite the fact that I downloaded that version and it isn't there, and I can find any mention of it on GitHub either... It's also odd that there's no settings file listed on the Monoprice website like for the select mini

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