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Posts posted by tinkermonki

  1. Interesting. I googled this, as I suddenly are starting to have the same issue. Since this problem does not seem to be a version issue, did have a problem before with this version of Cura (4.11.0), I think it must be a different issue. 

    My latest files are quite large and I also have saved a project that I come back to where I place objects to print one at a time. Since the project file is quite large with a lot of files that are kept out of the print the project-file has grown in size. Seems to me the issue might be that large files or files are not being properly downloaded to the card before ejecting them. 

  2. Yes, cura 4.6.1 with exact same settings for the print that took my Ender 5 15h to print, quoted 15h 11 min while old Cura (4.0) said 8h 48 min.

    So upgraded Cura is almost spot on except for being a little pessimistic, which is better than overpromising 🙂

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  3. Hi! Yes I guess I was a bit quick with my review. Turns out that when I printed the model it actually took 15h 1min instead of stated 8h 48 min as stated in Cura 4.0 so I guess the difference is that the newer version is better at calculating the theoretical time. When I used Cura 4.6.1 my printing times have always actually been lower then the actual times stated. up to 30 min faster sometimes.

  4. I have found that using the same settings for Cura 4.6.1 compared to Cura 4.0 I get extramely different results in print-times.

    I have some large quite complicated models that I managed to get down to 17 h in latest version of Cura. 

    This was after setting speeds to 100 mm/s, no infill, layer heights of 0.24 and removing jerk and acceleration -control. 

    With all this Cura still ends up at slow speeds where it needn't be.


    Using settings in Cura 4.0 of layer height 0.2, infill 3% and no jerk/acc control took me down to 8h 48 min!

    What hidden settings have I missed? I've been through all of the settings up and down researching it but when printing the sliced files from Cura 4.0 I get really good result at about half the time. 

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