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Posts posted by Dragord

  1. Hi Nallath you might have something there. I came back to my PC this morning and noticed a drive mapping had disconnected from an elderly Goflex drive, a quick check on my smb settings and a reboot to reconnect and Cura is working fine again. After 27 years I still hate computers like Heroin. Thank you all for your input.

  2. Hi, Until yesterday Cura 4.71 has been perfectly fine, I use my Computer for a multitude of tasks and as an IT engineer of 20 odd years, I'm used to breaking and fixing my PC but this has me stumped.

    I print irregularly but frequently tinker with stl files and will quite often open in Cura to check for any problems.

    I tried to open a file yesterday, I had tried fine on Monday, and Cura took an absolute age to start.

    I ran Cura on it's own without a file and it now takes over 16 minutes to start up.

    I have uninstalled and reinstalled 4.71, 4.6 and 3.5, all start up in around 16 minutes.

    I installed Inkscape and Blender and a few other driver updates in the last couple of days so ran system restore back to the 25th of September but this has made no difference .

    All my other software is running okay and my PC is an i7 16gb ram and was rebuilt with windows 10 about four months ago.

    Does anyone have any suggestions?

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