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Posts posted by Zakaria250

  1. On 6/3/2020 at 1:38 PM, gr5 said:

    In your photo the progress bars appear to be infinitely thin.  Infinitely thin is the same as air.  Am I making sense to you?

    1) What cad software are you using?


    2) Make sure the progress bars are at least as thick as your nozzle width X 2.  Or you can go a bit thinner if in cura you check the box "print thin walls".  But cura will never print infinitely thin walls.  So make sure your walls have a thickness.


    Cura has an amazing plugin to test your model to see if something is wrong with it and can repair a very few of the many potential problems:
    In the upper right corner of Cura click "marketplace" and make sure you are on the "plugins" tab and install "Mesh Tools".  Then restart Cura.  Now right click on your model, choose "mesh tools" and first choose
    "check mesh", then "fix model normals" and "fix simple holes" to see if that helps.  Cura doesn't fix most issues so...

    that worked like a charm!! thank you so much!


  2. 11 minutes ago, GregValiant said:

    I believe there is something wrong with the model file.  The end cubes are OK but the handle is not. All I get are the 4 lines at the edges and it won't open at all in Print3d.

    What do you recon might be the issue?


    this is my cura image, supports are fine but teh progress bars arnt. i did fix some previous manifold issues by making the bars thicker.


  3. Hello,


    I am trying to print out a dumbel design with the handle being a sort of progressbar. so you have some empy spacing in between. The original print time was well over 8 hours. I managed to get it to 6. However i noticed while chanigng so many settings that part of my model is greyed out. Does this mean that it wont print this part? How can i solve this? I tried reverting the changes are repositioning the model but i cant seem to figure it out.


    To give you an idea of what my model looks like, finished,



    priting it vertically seemed most logical to me and seemed to work better than horizontally as it doesnt remove the words. but the only issue im having now is the handle as it leaves out the bars..


    I also included my file if you want to look at it. Kindly help me out.. Thank you in advance!


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