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Posts posted by Rabbit-o

  1. Good afternoon,


    How can i show all the settings visible? I want to have all the options that i have with my ender 3 pro.


    The geeetech A10M and is completely equal to the ender3, except for the dual motor extruder.


    I don't want to start changing the number of extruders, is has no sense for me, not with this printer


    Thank you so much in advance.


    Screenshot 2020-11-15 20.27.39.png

  2. 20 minutes ago, ahoeben said:


    You could replace the file `plugin/MachineSettingsAction/MachineSettingsPrinterTab.qml  with this version:



    Thanks you so much ahoeben, the shared heater appeared again.

    I will give another try this afternoon, to know if something else has changed in the geeetech A10M configuration. 


    Thanks also to nallath, to hear/read us.






  3. 24 minutes ago, nallath said:

    The information we had is that it would not work in any given situation. Based on that, it was deemed safer to remove it. I understand that it's not feasible for users to check everything we do, but the reverse is also true; We can't check all situations that the users have.




    What should do the users with printers with shared heaters?

    What is the work-around to avoid throwing the temp to zero on tool change?

    Is there any tutorial on github?


    And thanks a lot for your time.



  4. 34 minutes ago, nallath said:

    Decisions like this are those damned if you do, damned if you don't. Leaving it in will make people complain that it's not working, removing it when some people are using it is going to do it as well. I'm a bit disappointed that you're bashing decisions like this. You know that decisions like this (and them going wrong) are a part of software development.



    I'm don't think so, if you change something that is working, for me is working very well. Why you have to hide it? With defects or little errors, at the end was working... and there is a lot of information on internet to solve them for sure.


    It is impossible to check from the user point of view all the issues, bugs and control your development team, to avoid this situations.  


    For me the correct way of working is to make the improvements only on the printers that the users demands, not for all the printers, and not at 12 days before launching the version. Of course if the printer is with the stock configuration, if the user change it(with volcanoes, two nozzles, and so on), well, have to create other different printer instead of messing with the stock configuration from cura printers and asking you to change the printers profile configurations.


    Make announcements before hiding or deleting features, you have all the email addressed of the users when they register and if their are not register, well, they have to assume the risks.


    Kind regards



  5. 26 minutes ago, burtoogle said:

    Hello @Rabbit-o. Yes, that feature has been disabled by a UM person (see https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/8148 for some further info on this). Personally, I believe that to be a mistake and continue to offer the shared heater setting in my own Cura builds.  


    OMG... "So for the past 6 months the "Shared Heater" function has basically been useless"  Ghostkeeper commented 12 days ago  


    That option was working perfect  for the geeetechs!!!  someone is forcing us to change to prusaSlicer or superSlicer... 


    Please, send me your url to your cura builds, please... i love this program... but right now, i'm very upset.


    Thank you so much burtoogle for you answer... very appreciate.



  6. Hi,

    Good night,

    i found that Cura 4.7 don't have the "shared heater" in the configuration of the printers, for example when create a Geeetech A10M.


    This cause that always on the tool change the print temperature goes to 0. Because it adds automatically a M104 T0 S0


    On 4.6.1 and 4.6.2 this were working great.


    So i will go back to the 4.6.2 installing it again.


    If this a permanent change, please, explain how to avoid this situation when the tool is changed.


    Kind regards,




  7. 2 hours ago, maht said:

    Currently we have a wiki on GitHub https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/wiki/Creating-Packages


    I'd really like to do something more comprehensive than this though, so your suggestions are noted and I'm watching this thread.


    We were already banding some ideas about this around, maybe something like a readthedocs template. What would you like to see?


    I understand that this post is only for plugins, is'n it?


    May i open another to learn about post-processing scripts? Is it possible?


    Thank you so much in advance



  8. I make a PPScript to delete de M105 and M109 only when i use the same material in both extruders from a geeetech A10M.


    The PPScript start counting the number of different temps that are in the M109, and if there is only one temp, delete all the M105 and M109 from the gcode.


    If there is several temps changing, then the script warn in the gcode in the POSTPROCESSED line and do not change anything.



  9. I want to develop and debug post processing scripts. 


    The section of develop is almost easy, reading other PPScripts and having some python knowledge, but debugging is a pain, open cura, "execute" the PPS, see the result, close cura, modify the PPS, open cura, "execute" the PPS, see the result, close cura... so boring. I tried this thread, but without any result:


    I could be a great idea to have a manual to configure how to develop and debug PPScripts, or just an easy "cura_pps.exe" to invoke it with parameters like the gcode, the PPS, and in the batch window see what is happening or something to stop/continue each processed line from the gcode.




  10. Good morning,


    My python raise the following error:

    <unit>:\<path>\CuraProject\Cura>python cura_app.py
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "cura_app.py", line 29, in <module>
        from cura import ApplicationMetadata
    ImportError: No module named 'cura'


    I'm using the "Ultimaker Cura 4.6" and followed all the steps.


    If i use the -m pbd option:


    <unit>:\<path>\CuraProject\Cura>python -m pdb cura_app.py
    > <unit>:\<path>\curaproject\cura\cura_app.py(11)<module>()
    -> import sys
    (Pdb) c
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<unit>:\<path>\Python35\lib\pdb.py", line 1665, in main
      File "<unit>:\<path>\Python35\lib\pdb.py", line 1546, in _runscript
      File "<unit>:\<path>\Python35\lib\bdb.py", line 431, in run
        exec(cmd, globals, locals)
      File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
      File "<unit>:\<path>\curaproject\cura\cura_app.py", line 11, in <module>
        import sys
    ImportError: No module named 'cura'
    Uncaught exception. Entering post mortem debugging
    Running 'cont' or 'step' will restart the program
    > <unit>:\<path>\curaproject\cura\cura_app.py(11)<module>()
    -> import sys
    (Pdb) cont
    Post mortem debugger finished. The cura_app.py will be restarted
    > <unit>:\<path>\curaproject\cura\cura_app.py(11)<module>()
    -> import sys
    (Pdb) quit



    and i don't know how to continue... 






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