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Posts posted by PCLoadPLA

  1. I like to maintain a console connection with my printer, but whenever I have Cura open, pronsole cannot connect. If I close Cura, pronsole works fine. I think that Cura is taking or locking the serial port file, even though Cura never needs to use the serial port (I print from SD card). Is there a way to fix this by completely eliminating serial from Cura so I can use both Cura and pronsole at the same time?

  2. So, deleting the cura.cfg from ~/.local/share/cura actually already fixed my problems...it doesn't show the startup crawl anymore, and I don't have to re-enable tree supports every time anymore. I have no idea why deleting that file fixed it, but unless you want to keep troubleshooting, I don't need to do anything else at the moment. 

  3. @NUC11:~/.config/cura/5.6$ ls -lta
    total 36
    drwxr-xr-x 3 chaz chaz  4096 May  8 14:20 .
    -rw------- 1 chaz chaz 17312 May  8 14:20 cura.cfg
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 chaz chaz    51 May  8 14:20 plugins.json
    drwxrwxr-x 4 chaz chaz  4096 Apr  4 07:42 ..
    drwxrwxr-x 2 chaz chaz  4096 Oct  1  2022 scripts


    There was a cura.cfg in .config. I moved it away and restarted cura, but when Cura started, it went to a blank slate, and was asking me to setup my machines and everything from scratch. This scared me so I copied it back, and restarted and everything is back to normal. Is this what was expected?




  4. Has this issue been fixed? I just switched to Cura 5.6 and immediately realized this "Filter out tiny gaps" option was removed. This option is an absolute necessity to reduce blobbing when printing with large nozzles. Is there any plugin or other way to re-enable this feature?

  5. Sure enough:


    camera_perspective_mode = orthographic
    window_left = 106
    accepted_user_agreement = True
    window_top = 95
    version = 6
    last_run_version = 4.6.0


    I moved cura.cfg to cura.cfg.bu and restarted cura. No startup hints displayed!


    What's weird is that cura did NOT regenerate the cura.cfg file...there is no cura.cfg at all now; just my cura.cfg.bu. That's very strange to me; but it seems to be working...my printer profile and slicing profiles are still there...


    I still have to navigate to my 3D printer folder every time I open anything, even if I open 3 different files from the same directory, I have to navigate to that directory from my home folder every single time. Apparently this bug is not related to the configuration file...



  6. I can find the file, but I don't know how to tell if Cura is using it...it seems evident that it's not...


    According to the mod time, the cura.cfg file has not been modified since April 8...probably when I switched from 4.6. This problem did not exist in 4.6. 




    chaz@NUC11:~/.local/share/cura/5.6$ ls -ltr
    total 8688
    drwxrwxr-x 2 chaz chaz    4096 Oct  1  2022 themes
    drwxrwxr-x 2 chaz chaz    4096 Oct  1  2022 setting_visibility
    drwxrwxr-x 2 chaz chaz    4096 Oct  1  2022 scripts
    drwxrwxr-x 2 chaz chaz    4096 Oct  1  2022 quality
    drwxrwxr-x 2 chaz chaz    4096 Oct  1  2022 intent
    drwxrwxr-x 2 chaz chaz    4096 Oct  1  2022 variants
    drwxrwxr-x 2 chaz chaz    4096 Oct  1  2022 meshes
    drwxrwxr-x 2 chaz chaz    4096 Oct  1  2022 definitions
    drwxrwxr-x 2 chaz chaz    4096 Apr  4 07:47 images
    -rw-rw-rw- 1 chaz chaz   13011 Apr  8 15:32 cura.cfg
    drwxrwxr-x 2 chaz chaz    4096 Apr 20 04:55 materials
    drwxrwxr-x 2 chaz chaz    4096 Apr 20 04:55 definition_changes
    drwxrwxr-x 8 chaz chaz    4096 Apr 24 00:05 plugins
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 chaz chaz    7749 Apr 24 00:05 packages.json
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 chaz chaz 5242819 May  3 07:07 cura.log.1
    drwxrwxr-x 2 chaz chaz   12288 May  5 21:07 quality_changes
    drwxrwxr-x 2 chaz chaz    4096 May  5 21:07 extruders
    drwxrwxr-x 2 chaz chaz    4096 May  5 21:07 machine_instances
    drwxrwxr-x 2 chaz chaz    4096 May  6 12:29 user
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 chaz chaz 3552337 May  6 12:29 cura.log


    Now if there's a way to tell if Cura is READING the config file, I could at least manually edit it....such as manually add tree supports to "visible settings"...but I don't know if Cura is even reading it. 



  7. I'm running Cura 5.6.0 on Linux Mint. Every time I open it, it shows  me the "what's new in this version" advertisement. Also, certain settings refuse to be saved, for example I have to enable tree supports by going into the advanced menu and enabling them every single time I restart Cura. 


    Cura also doesn't remember my home directory and forces me to navigate my entire filesystem when I open every single print, which was noted elsewhere and may or may not be related to this problem of not being able to remember defaults or settings. 

  8. Thank you for confirming some of the operation details. 


    I've noticed the problem is worse after long travel moves. It means the gaps are variable. I print large parts so the head is frequently traveling many cm between layer changes. 


    I do not use coasting, group outer walls or retract before outer wall but I will confirm.


    I will try increase travel speed, z seam shortest, and retract extra prime. 

  9. I have Z seam gaps that I have been trying to diagnose with retraction, prime, and linear advance settings. I'm running Cura 5.6 with Marlin 1.9 and a 0.8 nozzle and hot PETG (for layer adhesion). 


    When I watch the printer carefully, the gap is caused by a delay of the filament coming out. The nozzle moves 2-3 mm before the plastic starts flowing. 


    Is there not a "prime" function that I could tune to prevent this? 


    I currently have retraction off because it seems the opposite of what I need. But I noticed there is a "extra prime after retraction". Does this work even with zero retraction?


    If I use "retraction extra prime amount", will the print head move to the start position, complete the un-retraction including extra prime, and then start moving? Or does the un-retraction happen as the print head is already accelerating?

  10. Suppose I want to print a simple cube. Cura will slice it to have specified bottom, top, and walls, and infill.


    Now suppose I want to stack two cubes on top of each other...but I still want to print a "top" layer in between the cubes. The reason is that maybe I want to cut the two cubes apart later, so having that partition wall in between them is desired.


    Sometimes I want to be able to cut parts apart, or sometimes I want to insert such a partition wall for strength, etc. is there a way?


    I have considered  slicing the two parts and literally copy-pasting the gcode together, but I'm thinking there is a better way than that. 

  11. This is interesting and I shall check out this plugin. But it doesn't answer the question of what nozzle diameter actually does in the slicer. As far as I can tell, with the same line width and height, the same gcode will be generated even if you change nozzle size.


    It does make sense that the nozzle size could be used to generate warnings. That seems reasonable enough. But if that's all it does, I think I'm not going to bother changing it. I've been more or less changing it out of superstition. 

  12. I've been wondering this for years now. 


    When I switch between 0.4 and 0.6 nozzles, I always change the nozzle diameter in Cura. Doing this the first time, was actually not easy to learn how to do...there's no nozzle diameter setting in the normal print settings; the nozzle diameter is actually defined in the printer profile. For some printer profiles, you can choose "alternates" to change between nozzle sizes. For my original printer profiles, there wasn't even a way to change it and I had to figure out how to add "alternates" to my printer config to even enable the 0.6 option. And never is there a way to choose an arbitrary nozzle size like 0.45; usually there are only a couple standard sizes like 0.4 and 0.6, and if you need something weird like 1mm you might not have that option.


    So I don't know why nozzle size isn't just a print setting right there with the other settings like line width and flow etc. in the first place, but besides that, I don't know what changing the nozzle size in Cura actually does.


    People have told me they ignore nozzle size completely. They just leave it at 0.4 or whatever, and set line width to whatever is appropriate for their nozzle. For example, when they install a 1mm nozzle, they just set line width to 1.2 and layer height to 0.5 or whatever and leave the nozzle diameter at 0.4 in Cura and ignore it. 


    So if nozzle diameter doesn't impact anything, why does it exist in Cura? And if it does impact things, what things?  

  13. Say I have a part that is too tall, and I want to print a portion of it.  


    I don't want the printer to "pause at height", because I want to finish the top layers correctly and not leave exposed infill. 


    I don't want to "scale Z height" because I don't want to compress or squish the model.


    I want Cura to basically cut the STL at a certain Z height, then slice the rest normally. Is there a way? 


    Sometimes when I want to cut the BOTTOM part of the model off, I do this all the time in Cura by entering a negative Z offset. The portion of the model that extends below the bed height is simply removed by Cura, and Cura slices the rest normally including adding bottom layers etc. I want to do the same thing, but cutting off the TOP of the model.  And yes, I considered flipping the model and doing the negative Z-offset thing, but some things won't print in that orientation. 

  14. I bought a new computer. Both old and new are Linux. How can I migrate my existing Cura from the old computer to the new one? 


    I already tried copying the Appimage to the new computer. I also copied ~/.config/cura, and ~/.local/share/cura from my old computer to the new one. However, when I start the Appimage on the new computer, it takes me to the "getting started" screen, and doesn't seem to find my configuration files, detect my printer config, or anything like that. 


    Are there some other configuration files that Cura uses besides these two? or a better way to do a migration?

  15. Infill support is already enabled, but it doesn't help the problem. There is a "top" over the whole model, so with Infill support enabled, it simply generates infill everywhere, because everywhere has a top. In other words, the bottom of the holes and the top of the block are both "top" as far as Cura is concerned. But unless the infill lines are less than 4mm apart, there will still be print failure on the smaller holes. 

    If the holes were outside the model then support would be generated in the normal way and it would work fine. What is needed is a way to generate support for them inside the model. I can also build in a solution into my model, but I'm actually not sure how to modify my model to fix this problem either. 

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