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Posts posted by Stimmchen

  1. Added Info (here since it wont let me edit at the moment): i have just noticed, that the motors are not holding the head stiff as they are used to do. but there are no screws loose. it seems that the motors are braking the movement and give up for a split second. according to a infrared thermometer i have found the temps are around 80-90 C. could this be the reason for the problems? any Ideas?

  2. Hello! i am experiencing a Problem with Layershifts on a shared UM 3 Extended Printer. the shifts i am having a problem with look pretty much the same to 

    https://community.ultimaker.com/topic/23607-layer-shifting-different-from-the-others/     <-- this one.

    i have a few failed prints now thanks to this and as i happened to look at the printer i just noticed it started printing a layer in offset again. i paused the print now and want to ask if i can somehow fix it temporarily while the print is on standby so that i can still complete it? i hope someone can help me here! 


    Thank you for reading and possibly responding!

    Have a good day

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