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Posts posted by sledjunk

  1. 4 hours ago, Dim3nsioneer said:

    If you are still using Windows 7 you might have a bigger (security) issue than a crashing Cura. I would not expect any Ultimaker person to fix something on Cura that makes an EOL Windows version crash.

    I'm sorry to have troubled you.  I thought this would be a forum where noobs like me could come for answers to problems.  I am well aware that Win7 is EOL and I was not looking for software developers to 'fix' anything.


    When I asked a similar question about PrusaSlicer, I was informed that it was likely to do with my graphics chip and then offered a possible workaround, which, in fact, worked perfectly for me.  I was simply hoping that there was a similar solution for Cura.


    I am new to 3D printing, but not new to trying things and sometimes having to use alternate settings. 


    BTW, I am sure you will cringe to know that I still have 6 computers running XP in my household as well.

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