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Posts posted by 11Pump

  1. Thank you sir! Yes I added different printers to see what was unlocked, the Ultimaker didn’t list the regular polymaker either but listed the special ones I added from the marketplace. Different machines (Ultimaker included) only allow certain materials to pre-populate it appears. I ended up taking screen shots and will build them in manually as custom filaments. 

    Hope that may help someone else!



  2. Hello, and moderators: Apologize if this is the wrong section, please modify/edit/move as you see fit.


    Quick question: New Cura user and when I go to the marketplace to add materials, there is a whole list of "bundled" materials that are marked installed, however do not show up under my material options in the material tab or as an option to "activate" or "install" under manage my materials.  Example: I am looking to use PolyMax PLA from Polymaker. It is listed under the "installed" tab in the marketplace under "bundled materials" but is not available on my drop down list.  Any ideas as how to open/unlock this? I'd really like to have the option to open some of these materials and read the excellent notes and attributes listed but unfortunately have hit a roadblock.  Any and all help is greatly appreciated!


    Thanks again,


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