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Posts posted by MrRobotz

  1. I recently purchased an Ender 5 Pro, and after some fiddling with settings and calibrations I can't seem to get a print to work with Cura as recommended by many youtubers. I'm just trying the XYZ calibration Cube and no matter what I've tried the tip keeps draggin through the previous layers after about the 2nd or 3rd layers are put down. It seems to get worse and worse as the print goes on. 


    Before you ask about Z-axis, I did correct the bad factory setting of 400 s/mm to 800 s/mm (806 in my case after using digital calipers to calibrate).  For grins I took the same STL file and loaded it into Creality Slicer that came with the printer and it worked perfect first try. So I tried to bring that same STL file in to Cura and try again and it did the same dragging issue. It's as if the Cura printer settings are incorrectly using the factory default of 400 s/mm when it generates the gcode. 


    Any suggestions on where to look or how to correct?  I really like the Cura program, it would be a shame to not be able to use it.

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