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Posts posted by ArturDB

  1. On 7/5/2020 at 2:06 PM, Smithy said:

    Check the settings on your Mac Cura, how you want to open project files. There is a setting to just import the model, open as project or ask every time. It seems you have the setting at import just the model.


    That's exactly what it was, so easy.. thank you!!!

  2. Hello!


    Using Cura on my Windows notebook, I saved a .3mf file with all information such as printer profile and print settings. I tried to open it in my Macbook and it didn't import project info, just the 3D model. To test if the problem was my Mac or the file itself, I reinstalled Cura on Windows, without any previous settings and opened this .3mf file. All project settings were loaded properly along with the 3d file.


    Then, using Cura on my Mac I saved another .3mf project and opened it on my Windows and it also worked fine.


    I use Cura version 4.6.`1 in both computers.


    Why isn't my Mac opening .3mf files properly?

    SavedOnWindows.3mf SavedOnMac.3mf

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