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Posts posted by theduemmer

  1. Hello All,


    I am currently working on a post-processing script to incorporate FEA results into G-Code generated by Cura, similar to this video. I've gotten nearly everything working except for mapping FEA data aligned to the STL file's coordinate system to G-Code aligned to the printer's coordinate system, which includes rotations, translations, etc. As far as I have seen so far, my only options would be to manually transcribe the transformations done for every part into the program; doable, but very cumbersome. Does anyone  know of a way to either add that data to the G-Code output or extract the transformation data from, say, a *.3mf project file? I know that it is possible to add parameters to the G-Code output, though I couldn't find any that would do what I want.


    For reference, I'm currently using Cura version 4.6.1 and have attached a sample STL along with a corresponding G-Code and project file.



    StressTest.stl CCR10S5_StressTest_bare.gcode StressTest.3mf

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