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Posts posted by geekyhawkes

  1. EDIT: - I have watched the print run and it seems that the nozzle gets a "soft" clog that clears itself later hence the issue displayed here.

    The clog appears to be caused by the end of the layer before running the nozzle around the outline of all the detail and in side of the print before z+ and starting the new layer - it almost looks like an Iron operation even though ironing is turned off.  Is there a setting in cura I can use to turn off this low extrusion outline iron type effect before moving to the next layer?  This video of cura shows the area that causes the clog. I have tired playing with settings but this behaviour always seems to be there on these couple of layers - is there a way I can stop this?


    Previously I wasn't sure what the issue was:

    I have tried 3 and 4 (and5) outer walls with no real change and also tried print thin walls but with no real change.  It is hard to pin down as this is an intermittent issue. 

    I have tried printing on 2 different machines and also from SD/octopi and in all cases the troublesome GCODE produces the "bad" result but good Gcode works fine.  




    I have included the most recent pictures, Gcode below. 

    Sliced at 0.2height, 4walls  (in this case), 0.00 wipe distance, 0 outer wall inset, optimize wall printing order, compensate wall overlaps (compensate inner wall overlaps), min wall flow 0%, fill gaps between walls everywhere, print thin walls.

    Probably should add I am running Cura 4.6.1, windows 10, printing to an Ender 5+ Marlin 2





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