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Posts posted by agiorgitis

  1. Ah ok I found the issue!! I had set a hole offset of +0.45mm to accomodate for the holes. Apparently Cura assumes that the whole floor area is a big hole(!) thus adjusting everything inside to +0.45mm.

    The problem is that if you check my file, not everything is getting slimmer due to the hole setting, which is strange...


    Is there a setting to adjust the starting layer for identifying the holes? Or something where I select the maximum size a hole must have before adding the extra hole offset?

    Otherwise if I create a big barrel to store my pencils, it will still add +0.45mm to that one.

  2. Hi all!


    I have an issue with 4.6.2, I try to print a box but its first 30 layers are wrong (thinner than they should be) as of shell/wall thickness when the model is sitting horizontaly. (This is not happening with Simplify, so it's not my model's fault)

    After the first 30 layers the shell/wall goes back to normal thickness.

    Like something is forcing the slicer to make walls thin for 30 layers.


    Strange thing is that if the model is vertical, it works fine.

    I upload some photos to see the problem.


    I've played around with many many settings, but I am at a dead end here.


    Thanks for your help!

    cura thickness.jpg

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