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Posts posted by Zesbo_Rob

  1. Hi, 


    is it possible to define areas where only PVA is used as support material and areas where PLA and PVA is used as support materials (PVA only as support interface extruder)?

    I have a quit complicated model and for the lower part of the model the option to use PLA as support and PVA as support interface extruder is realy nice. But for the upper part of the model i just want to use the PVA Extruder to generate the complete support. 
    I tried to place a cube at the upper part and used the "Mesh-Typ: Modify Settings for overlaps" tool but with no success. There are some options to change the infill density and also some support settings, but unfortually no option to configure the support Extruder.

    Please help! 😉 and see image for futher informations.

    Greetings Robin

    Anmerkung 2020-07-29 154135.png

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