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Posts posted by sphillips5319

  1. On 6/18/2018 at 1:37 PM, AbeFM said:

    Quite likely your issue is grouping - I've mentioned this and the team says they don't care one iota.


    But the solution to a lot of my bad STL's I've downloaded is to right click and pick "ungroup". You can tell if this is the problem - when you load in an STL there will be an empty box bigger than the boundaries of the part.


    When you ungroup it, the empty space ceases to exist. It is effectively reassigning coordinates, and it seems it could be easily implemented - but if you're using Cura, then you'd better get used to doing that on your own. I hope one day the fix this - I haven't heard a good argument why you would want to leave object unslicable because they have an odd origin.


    This worked thank you! I imported from microsoft 3d builer which impars wonky artifacts to tons of my models. This worked a charm.

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