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Posts posted by Dazed_and_Confused

  1. Thanks tinkergnome! I have been printing from sd card as you mentioned and it has been working fine but it kind of removes the ability to track the print’s progress. It’s also a bit more time consuming.


    I’ve checked the temperature settings and they seem ok. Kind of annoying for this to be happening on a brand new machine but hopefully it’s only a teething issue.

  2. Hey all,

    I'm sure this question has been asked a million times but i searched and couldn't find an answer. I'm a complete newbie to the ultimaker 2+ and cura software and I'm a little lost.


    I preheat the extruder and build plate but when I click on print and my model starts to print the nozzle immediately starts to lose heat, resulting in the filament only extruding for about 20 seconds. Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?! Thanks heaps.

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