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  • 3D printer
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  1. Awesome, Thanks team! @ghostkeeper thanks for the head start, I will take a look there.
  2. Hello All, I see the Github for Cura. With that I determined via the documentation that CuraEngine is what I will need to modify to achieve my goal. I want to modify the way layer heights work, similar to adaptive layers. I can manage the programming portion. Before I dive head long into trying to understand the ins and outs of CuraEngine, I was hoping to speak to some of the more experienced members who have contributed to the CuraEngine. Does anyone know where the folks who work on that are most likely to be? Do they frequent these forums, or a discord, or another site, etc.. Speaking to someone who knows how the workings of CuraEngine could save me lots of time giving me a huge head start on this project. Conversely, that conversation might save me from wasting a lot of time researching, if it turns out the system wont be able to do what I want without major changes. There isn't a ton of documentation on CuraEngine on the Github, but there is some and I am reading through that now. Anyway, if anyone can point me in a direction that would be greatly appreciated.
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