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Posts posted by benobo

  1. I am having issues with prints delaminating and being very weak (PLA prints feel soft and spongy and are easily crushed by hand).

    See the attached image for examples. the 3 prints to the left were stopped after the first layer due to clear gaps. The one on the right was allowed to continue but was ultimately a mess.


    My first mistake is too many variables changing: I lost my cura settings, have a new brand of pla filament, and have also recently leveled the bed.


    I'm not sure if it is a case of poor quality filament or some settings I have lost in cura.


    I'm hoping that soomeone with experience can take a look at the attachment and be able to advise what is causing this? Is this just a case of underextrusion or something else at play?


    What I have tried:

    - changing temperature up and down (200 to 220 degC). doesn't seem to help but ther is stringing at the temps tried

    - levelling bed - tried with small gap between nozzle and bed and a slightly larger gap

    - change filament diameter in materials screen (filament measures 1.70mm with calipers)

    - change flow rate to 115% and 140%


    Machine: Creality ender 5

    Material: Sunlu black PLA 1.75mm



    Can someone point me in the right direction of settings to tweak in cura to try and fix this?




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