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Posts posted by NoMeursie

  1. Hello,


    I have exactly this problem with the current Cura 4.7.1 and my Ender 3 V2. When I try to print a vase (spiralize outer contour), the print ends up to be quite good only there is a spiral pattern of blobs, dots, zits (whatever the name) (see image). Cura does not show them in layer view. While printing, I can see the nozzle stop every half circumference. During this stop, material oozes out of the nozzle which leaves such a dot. I tried a lot of things to avoid this stopping behavior and allow the printer to move with one continuous speed but with no success. No clue what to do. Is it a bug in the new Cura? Or a single setting that I might have forgotten? because it feels like that which is quite frustrating.


    Anyone that thinks he/she could help? I would greatly appreciate it!!

    WhatsApp Image 2020-10-17 at 16.07.30.jpeg

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