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Posts posted by CactusHamster

  1. I have done a small amount of research on this, trying to get Cura to work with a FlashForge Creator Max and a Pro. It looks like .g files will be your best bet, as they look like gcode files with numbered lines. .gx files look like they're the same as .g, but with a preview picture (.bmp) and an extra line for some purpose at the top.  .g files use N# to denote the line number and use ; for comments, so telling a printer to go to 50, 20, 50 and back would look like this:
    ;Go to X50, Y20, Z50

    N1 G1 X50 Y20 Z50 F10800

    ;Comments are not numbered and are skipped by the numbering system

    N2 G1 X0 Y0 Z0 F10800

    It looks like you can find the closest firmware, generate its gcode, copy and paste it into a program or site such as [this](https://pinetools.com/add-text-ech-line0), generate N and numbers for each line (If you used the example site, use "N%N% "), delete anything after each number on comment lines, and save it as a new .g file. If you have enough experience, it should be easy enough to make a program that does this yourself. However, this method has not been tested and I am not liable to any losses or damages that following these instructions cause. I will try this tomorrow. Good luck!

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