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Posts posted by SeanNevins12

  1. Computer |
    1060 6gb Windforce - Nvidia Latest Driver
    Ryzen 5 3600
    Windows 10
    32 gb Ram

    Laptop |
    750ti Nvidia
    Intel i5 - non spec
    Windows 10
    16 gb Ram

    Cura tested updates

    Results: When launched, at completely random times. While in use, not in use and reset completely. There is a spike out of nowhere to cpu (non consistent) and then complete computer shut off. Safe Reboot and all.

    Only Cura related. Other slicers have no issue and computers work as normal otherwise. The only guarantee is when cura has been launched and is in the background or in use.

  2. I've reinstalled from scratch twice and used two separate machines.


    At first I had thought when my computer would suddenly and without warning this was a power issue in my apartment.

    But my television and other devices wouldn't restart clean and would need to be turned back on. So it was solely the computer.

    Next I was concerned that my computer was broken or overheating. So I purposely ran separate game benchmarks at high settings.

    No issues.


    So it was Cura, I concluded and decided to test its cause. But that proved impossible. With Slice or Without, With Model or Without, fresh install, or fresh machine.

    Nothing changed the inevitable. Anywhere from minute 1 to when I'm saving a slice I've worked on for an hour will always result in a computer brick and safe restart.

    Only happens when Cura is in launched but doesn't have to be in use. Proved by leaving in background having forgot I had launched it earlier.

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