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Posts posted by kevinastock

  1. Quote

    This must be the second layer, right?  Because on the first layer, in the project file you sent me, it prints the black first, then the clear.  But on the second layer it prints the clear first and then the black so it's possible on the second layer for black to be above the clear.

    This is the first layer, taken when it has only printed black. It's being printed on an adhesion sheet which was used for another build previously, hence looking like there's something under the layer.



    Also this is a very very cool clock.  I love it.

    Thank you! I've been working on it on and off for an embarrassingly long time, it's great to see it finally coming together.


    10 hours ago, gr5 said:

    Which implies a bit is getting flipped.

    I suspected that as well, so I printed the same gcode file a second time and the errors showed up in the same spots on the first layer. I guess it's possible something about the printer is causing the interference which could make it deterministic. But I will make sure there are no other electronics are near it and take the other steps you suggested with the cables.


    I've included the gcode for just the black part of the first layer that I printed. Looking at it in NC Viewer it looks like it's not a gcode issue. However I see that I had arcwelder enabled; I should have turned that off before submitting a bug. I'll try slicing with that disabled and see if it makes a difference, but given those lines already don't show up in the gcode it seems unlikely to make a difference.


    It may be a few days until I can make the suggested changes and run some tests, but I'll let you know what comes of it. Thank you very much for all the help!



  2. Unfortunately I don't have a minimal reproduction at this time; all of these pictures are from one large object which I've attached.


    The last image is the first layer of the print at the 'Q' on the second row (when viewed from the bottom) as printed by extruder one. The outline is drawn very early in layer one when I slice it, and the unexpected line happens during the print of that outline.


  3. I've been having a problem with lines being printed where I do not expect them. I'm printing on a UM3 with Cura 5.2.1. In the attached pictures, the highlighed black lines should not appear inside the outlines. When I look at the path in Cura's preview mode, I do not see the extruder move along these paths at all, either printing or traveling.


    I've experimented with some settings in cura but without success, although changing settings does move around where errors like this happen in the build. I tested rerunning the same gcode file once and the errors appeared in the same places, so it seems to be deterministic for a specific gcode file. Unfortunately I don't have access to another UM3 to determine if it's deterministic across printers.


    Any ideas what could be causing this problem? The closest similar report I've seen online is this one: 






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