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Posts posted by Elkelthen

  1. I'm trying to get a raspberry pi to slice stl files using CuraEngine through the command line. I've done this before in the past on a (much) older version of raspbian, and it may have been before they changed the structure of CuraEngine (something to do with the JSONs? I don't follow this closely, this is just from my recent research).


    Anyway, the command I'm using is:


    CuraEngine slice -v -p -j fdmprinter.def.json -j fdmextruder.def.json -s material_shrinkage_percentage=0 -s adhesion_extruder_nr=0 -o test.gcode -l /path/to/usb/test.stl


    and this creates an output gcode file without spitting out any errors. The gcode file output, however, is clearly not correct. I suspect this is to do with the fact that the mins and maxes for the axes are weird numbers, but I don't know for certain. I will also mention that the two -s parameters I put in are necessary; the command errors out if I don't have those in there. I've tried with stl files on and off USBs, they aren't complex files (just a test cylinder) and these fdm jsons are the most recent as far as I know. I got them from the resources repo yesterday, and I was under the impression that those are the standard "let's get an example working" files.


    Any help is appreciated and I'm happy to share any information necessary. I'm sure I forgot to mention something in here...

    cura_forum_log.log test.gcode

  2. I've been struggling the past couple of days trying to get Cura-build-environment to ... execute, I guess? I've followed the instructions on the wiki pretty much to the T, with one notable exception being that I had to change a path in the ev_win64.bat file. Mine now looks like this: 



    I was then able to run the code from the github page (https://github.com/Ultimaker/cura-build-environment) with the obvious changes for my set vars to make them fit my paths.

    set cbe_src_dir=<where-your-source-dir-is>
    set cbe_install_dir=<where-you-want-to-install>
    cd %cbe_src_dir%
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ^
          -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%cbe_install_dir% ^
          -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=%cbe_install_dir% ^
          -G "NMake Makefiles" ^

    All went well up until the nmake command. That ran for a while, then failed. I ran it again to make sure, as all desperate people do, and here's the output:



    What does this mean? How do I fix it? I've been googling for a few hours now and trying random things and I feel like I'm no closer to understanding this issue. I would imagine it has to do with the script ignoring the '-m64' option? The other possibility that I'm really dreading is that it could be something to do with setting all  of this stuff up on my secondary drive instead of the C:\ drive? How should I proceed?


    And of course I'm happy to answer any questions about relevant system settings or paths or whatever you think you need. Thanks!


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