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Posts posted by Rockgecko17a

  1. Given the tolerances are in the tenths of millimeters. I am disappointed that the bed is so clearly not flat to tighter tolerances. I printed a small drawer and the wide flat bottom showed clearly that in once area in particular there was a high spot that protruded completely through the first layer.  At least that was how it looked. Is a glass bed supposed to be a solution for a truly flat bed?

  2. Foil under the magnetic build mat sounds like an interesting idea! Thanks. I am certainly learning about bed leveling and close tolerances when doing it. My calipers tell me that my piece of paper is about .15 thick. When I have it a bit snug with the nozzle around the edges then I have no contact at all in the center. Seems like it must be a small amount maybe .05mm? And yet it makes all the difference between a nice firm base layer and the nozzle just pushing the extrusion all around the bed. I guess I  end up with something like .1mm at the edges and .15mm at the center when I am done. I should try the parchment or something thinner.

  3. I just got an ender 3 pro about 5 days ago. Printing my 6th print at the moment. I had a ton of bed adhesion problems too. The thing that fixed it for me was realizing that the bed was just a bit lower in the center and bringing the bed closer to the nozzle and checking it there. Using printer paper is too thick for my build plate I think. I also tightened the wheels on the hot end carriage at the same time since I noticed it. I suspect that helped me level the bed more accurately. Now the first plastic is squished into the build plate and makes a nice smooth layer to start.

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