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Posts posted by Gazilions

  1. I seem to have NO control over my Ender 5 Pro with Cura 4.9 scripts. I can't get pause to work, change temperature to even print a temp tower. Extruder variations, etc. I've tried everything - printing from SD, printing directly to the printer...nothing.
    Cura 4.9 beta
    I've got the Creality 4.2.2 board, running installed marlin firmware 1.1.1 (according to the about info on display), a BLTouch, everything is leveled correctly, I've tried turning off the printer, unplugging it, restarting - nothing changes. I've turned off start G-code completely so nothing but firmware is loading and/or running.

    I thought reloading the firmware would do the trick. It did. Once per print. Then I had to reload the firmware every time I needed to run the pause script. The first print works, the second print just ignores the script and keeps on rolling. I think there is some sort of flaw in v.4.9 that causes this to happen, unless there is a setting in firmware I'm missing. Even so, it should either always work or always fail. Not make its own mind up about when to or not to work. Again, as I described above, I've tried both settings -  height and layers - nothing changes. Still at a frustrated loss..

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