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Posts posted by dnoha

  1. I designed one lamp shade, and trying to print it in spiralize (vase) mode. However, base of this model can not be printed in spiralized mode because it need some infil and thickness. So I have made slicing two times. One time for whole model in normal mode, then another time again for whole model, but in spiral mode. Then I opened first gcode file, found where layer 20 starts, and removed everything after that. Then from another gcode file I have taken everything starting with layer 20, and copy to first file.


    I was expecting that printer would just continue printing, but somwhere at this joint, printer makes one move with extra slow speed (like 1 mm/s), and in same time removes filament from printer, like when you give it comand to change fillament.


    I suspect that problem is E command which is quite diffrent for same layer in those two files. Jums from 1297 down to 640?

    But why speed is slowing down. Because x-y move is streched over time it needs for E move from 1297 to 640?


    What's better way to do this?


    "Modify settings for overlaps" can not work for this, because there is no "spiralize" mode to choose here for modification.



    G1 X24.346 Y-2.187 E1297.95365
    G1 X24.43 Y-.821 E1297.97813
    G1 X24.451 Y-.314 E1297.98752
    G1 X24.46 Y-.1 E1297.99161
    G0 F7200 X24.66 Y-.1
    G0 F600 X24.66 Y-.1 Z4.3
    G0 F7200 X24.66 Y0.00
    G0 X24.239 Y2.186
    G0 X24.189 Y2.189
    ;MESH:LAMP_SHADE v2.2 wall_0.6_mm.stl
    G1 X30.642 Y0.099 E640.51694
    G1 X24.511 Y0.1 Z4.303 E640.72085
    G1 X24.423 Y0.917 E640.74819
    G1 X24.331 Y2.476 Z4.304 E640.80013
    G1 X24.254 Y3.179 Z4.305 E640.82365
    G1 X24.009 Y4.725 E640.87571
    G1 X23.879 Y5.438 Z4.306 E640.89982
    G1 X23.791 Y5.797 E640.91211
    G1 X23.399 Y7.319 Z4.307 E640.96439


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