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Posts posted by Ecoprintartisanal

  1. The properties that interest me are those related to mechanical stresses. 

    My machine, a 2Go Ultimaker, cannot print nylon.


    For Nylon parts, I would turn to a Markforged Onyx One for example. I do not dispute the figures which, as you say, were noted thanks to tests carried out by professionals according to the ISO 527 standard. 


    It is the contradiction with the marketing discourse that bothers me. If the numbers have more credibility, the marketing department should review their copy and quickly. We cannot say that one material is more costly than another if the figures say the opposite .....

  2. I actually have mechanical skills, I have a license (BAC + 3). I also have skills in stress calculation but only in linear statics. The figures given on the technical data sheets do not correspond to the recommended use of the material. They say PLA is less durable than PLA Tough but on paper the numbers say the opposite. Where is the truth ?

  3. Hello,


    I compared the data sheets of the following Ultimaker materials: 

    - PLA 

    - PLA Tough 

    - ABS 


    Based on the descriptions, here is the classification of these three materials from the least resistant to the most resistant: 

    1 - PLA 

    2 - PLA Tough 

    3 - ABS 


    And here is the classification of these three materials according to the values indicated in the data sheets, from the least resistant to the most resistant: 

    1 - ABS 

    2 - PLA Tough 

    3 - PLA 


    Can you check the information in your data sheets please ? 

    Do you have tensile test charts for these three materials ? 


    Thanks for your feedback.

    TDS PLA v3.011-fre-FR.pdf Fiche technique - PLA Tough Ultimaker.pdf TDS ABS v3.011-fre-FR.pdf

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