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Posts posted by Alex0903

  1. Hello,


    I have upgraded my Ultimaker 2 to a Ultimaker 2+ using the official kit last December. I was quite happy with the upgrade until yesterday.

    I had to abort a long print twice and today again due to the reason that the bowden tube has been pushed out off the feeder after some hours of printing. 😞

    Please find attached a picture. When  I detected the issue the first time the bowden tube was pushed much more far away from the feeder.

    I really don't know how to solve this problem as I never had this with the Ultimaker 2. I already tried to find a solution but the recommendation was to replace the bowden tube or to use a thicker clip. I've printed one this morning but this doesn't solve the problem - I just had to abort the print again. I didn't change anything in the CURA settings in compare to my last prints. Last Wednesday I had a 6 hours print without any issues. Since December the printer was used for approx. 30-40 hours only so I guess replacing the bowden tube doesn't really make sense.

    I hope someone can help me here. Unfortunately I am a bit under time pressure for this "project" now. 



    Thank you very much for your help.



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