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Posts posted by jpdabz123

  1. the weird thing is I got to to work yesterday. well I went to Best Buy to see if they new what the do at the geek squad. I brought the same sd card I use and it just started working the first time I tried. super embarrassing. it worked for day couple days and now its doing the same thing again. the cad isn't full and its not allowing me to save it manually. well it does but it doesn't. it says it saved on the card but it doesn't show up when I insert it in the printer. unless I'm saving it wrong. how would you save it manually I'm not a computer guy at all so I'm probably doing it wrong. all the help is needed lol.

            thanks Jay

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  2. hello I'm having trouble saving my Gcode to my sd card. it slices fine but when I go to save to my removable disk it says "Could not save to /Volumes/NO NAME/CE3PRO_Benchy.gcode:[Errno 1]Operation not permitted:'/Volumes/No NAME/CE3PRO_3DBenchy.gcode'. This has been going on for 2 weeks can somebody help me. Ive changed the names of the files and still nothing works. please help this is really getting on my last nerve lol thanks. Jay

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