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Posts posted by lancy

  1. Noticed error in printing after automatic nozzle switching.  Noticed this issue just after updating the firmware to  The printer head seems like hardly hit on the right side corner and jumps Z coordinates by around 5-8mm,  while doing the automatic nozzle switching operation.   The x and y calibrations looks good (see picture attached). Z axis is good.  Just did a firmware update today morning and started noticing this problem. 


    The above mentioned issue is detailed below in steps.


    Print started, Print head, bed heated.

    (1) step 1 - swtching nozzle 2- printing PVA base layer - Good.

    (2) step 2 - switching nozzle 1 - printing ABS black layer - Good.

    (3) step 3 - switching nozzle 2 - printing PVA 2nd layer -  Failed.  - Print head hit on right side while switching the nozzle and lost position. (found gap of 5-8mm between print head and base plate)

    We need a solution soon. Please help.



    test print dual nozzle.gcode

  2. My UM3 printer nozzle head is clean, PVA material is very dry and we have a dry box while printing.  After 2 to 3 hours of print, the PVA material didnt extrude well from the nozzle, so the loading wheel keeps rotating, rub the PVA portion and the extruding stops.  This happens every time. The loading wheel tension is factory default, nozzle is cleaned, PVA is dry. After 2 -3 hours, the extrusion slowly cease. How can we fix this ? I am using 0.4 mm nozzle. A higher size 0.8mm nozzle solve this problem ? ultimaker PVA default temperature is 215c.

  3. Problem solved.  First I thank for the good flatness across one side of the build plate.

    The active calibration was the culprit.

    The problem is solved when active calibration was turned off (switched to "never" option).

    I guess the plate deforms a little bit when the tip press against the plate during active calibration.


  4. I have ultimaker 3 extended. 

    However we have purchased a new build plate. The plate surface is perfectly flat throughout.  It looks like there is slight deviation when printing. The nozzle starts to scratch on build plate when it approach close to rear right corner.  I have calibrated manually many times. I have never experienced this problem in ultimaker 2 so far.

    Does the spring tension affect active calibration ?

    How can we turn off the active calibration ? 

  5. The base layer print was not uniform for my printer. It nozzle tip were scratching on the build plate on some locations. The problem persist after several calibration. At last, I found the problem for uneven surface. I checked the build plate with a dial gauge found some deviation . A deviation of 0.168mm  is too much for a print with 0.1mm layer height. This is not good. Picture attached.

    build plate 0.jpg

    build plate 0_1.jpg

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