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Posts posted by Aln

  1. On 6/16/2020 at 10:34 PM, Rabbit-o said:

    debugging is a pain, open cura, "execute" the PPS, see the result, close cura, modify the PPS, open cura, "execute" the PPS, see the result, close cura... so boring.

    Is there no support anywhere to deal with this ungodly cycle of modify the Python code, double-click on an STL to load up Cura, go get a coffee or something because Cura is DEATHLY slow, slice, check results, close Cura, lather, rinse, repeat.  Surely we can't be the ONLY people who think that this is a REALLY crummy way to test and debug code.


    What is the correct development cycle to develop, test, and debug post-processing Python scripts?

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