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Posts posted by Person1231211

  1. yeah it is. Knowing that is concerning. I'm using the Ender 5 pro so it comes with the silent chip motherboard and if that's the case then it's not good. But I do believe I have over 1 year warranty incase that is to be the problem. So far my prints are looking much better than before, and I managed to print those small rings at a good quality (Just need to sand the lines off the surface). I have that at a flow rate of 80 with the current E-step. I hope it doesnt fall into the same problem as yours also. And I did notice when I very first used the printer, it extruded fine I believe when printing my first piece but then printing over things, it was under-extruding which led me to calibrating everything like right now. 

  2. I thought I did at first but I believe I'm now over extruding. I fixed the bed level to make sure it was not touching the surface too much which solved a part of it, and then I've seen this guide: 

     Which explains what I had to do to make it calibrate properly if that's right. 

    Although doing it, It turns my E-steps at 93 was only extruding 64 mm which I still find strange as running the formula 9300/(100/64) = equals 258.3 E steps (which got recalculated to 269 E steps later on) seemed to properly extrude 100mm. If that is what you mean by recalibrating then I have just done that. but not looking for a lower flow rate and concerned why the E step number seems so dramatically high compared to other people's calculations. 

  3. That's very true in your point and I'm seeing your view on your description. The current test results are improved compared to the previous setting but they're not quite there. What would you recommend I change the settings to? I'm still a learner of 3D printing.

    I also have a curious question, with the current print settings I had before, would they be fine for printing bigger items? but what if I used a small setting instead (lets say perfected this tiny piece) on a big piece? Would there be a problem? would it be even sharper of a print? 


  4. I’m using the ultimaker cura with an ender 5 pro and I’m having this consistent issue with my print which keeps doing this as seen in the picture. I don’t know why it is doing it. When I use creality, it prints it better but I am using cura because I believe it is better and will give me a better quality print, though I can’t overcome this problem without wasting lots of filament. I have checked my extruded and everything, it is none of that. It is something to do with the software and I am unsure what it is. I am a beginner also.


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