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Posts posted by JeffTCG

  1. I am printing a mask, if that matters, out of Black Tough PLA and PVA as supports. I have double checked all of the settings and the print got a full day and some change into it before I went to work today. When I came back home, I was greeted with a stopped printer and a blank unresponsive screen. The print did not finish and moreover, I can even see where the print abruptly stopped and dragged some Tough PLA over the print in progress. Without the screen I have no idea what happened and because I am new to 3D printing (at least new enough to not be familiar with this issue since just about every other print was fantastic) I have no clue if the print can be resumed or what in the world to do. I am also not sure if I am even in the right forum, so direction and guidance on any of these fronts would be appreciated and thank you in advance.


    Without the screen I have no idea what happened and because I am new to 3D printing (at least new enough to not be familiar with this issue since just about every other print was fantastic) I have no clue if the print can be resumed or what in the world to do. I am also not sure if I am even in the right forum, so direction and guidance on any of these fronts would be appreciated and thank you in advance.

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