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  • 3D printer
    Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle

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  1. I think that would work, but there isnt a super easy way (without other software) to format them in Win10 (i had to do something in PowerShell)
  2. Formatted the large flash drive as NTFS, shrank the volume by 8GB, formatted to FAT32. FAT32 partition is now recognized on the drive. Ill play with different sizes, but good progress and fairly easy to do
  3. With some small experimentation, I have noticed that my 8GB USB Drives (FAT32) seem to work fine with the S5, but larger 256GB flash drives (exFAT or NTFS) do not get recognized. Is this a hardware or firmware limitation? Possible future compatibility update? (We are not allowed to use externally supplied USB drives or ethernet communications)
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